Movable/ Halted, Human/ Things, Still/Yet, One/Many, To give a response/ To receive a response, Rational/ Emotional, Measurable/ Unmeasurable, Disciplinary/ Playful, Regular/Irregular, Sacred/ Secular, Order/Disorder, Sensible/ Absurd, Repeat/Difference, Universal/Peculiar, Special/ General, Political/Aesthetic < The performance repeats same actions over and over again with slight differences, like the famous Bolero by Maurice Ravel, built on a very repetitive scheme but little by little becomes as powerful as a hurricane. During the performance, the words turn into actions, and the actions become sound and moving objects. > 20141010 그리고 또는 그러므로 07 자막(1) from Bokyung Jun on Vimeo.
'Intro', wall text, 60×60cm, 2014
'Et, Ot, Donc' performance of the words 「spread over the top」: 30 minutes performance, 2014
'Et, Ot, Donc' performance of the words 「bend over the letters」: 30 minutes performance, 2014
'Et, Ot, Donc' performance of the words 「go on the floor but leave the stage again」: 30 minutes performance, 2014
'Et, Ot, Donc', megaphones, wood, wall text_at Space 15th, Seoul_2014
<0>, basket ball, football, volleyball, baseball, Tennis ball, Pingpong ball, 2014