<타인의 혀로 말하기> (일생을 대만 전통인형극사로 살아온 첸시황씨), 2 channel video with sound, 6’57”, 2019

(Mr. Chen Hsi Huang who is the master of Budaxi), 2 channel video with sound, 6’57”, 2019

Bokyung was interested in tracing the history of puppetry in Taiwan because it shows the history of Taiwan itself; from Chinese influence in Ching Dynasty, Japanese colonialization, and KMT retreat in Taiwan, and the introduction of Western culture. Not only about historical backgrounds, she found the relationship between life and death, love and hate, history and memory, and human and puppet through the balance of both hands of Mr. Chen’s movement.

The video is the interview with Mr. Chen Hsi Huang who talks about 2 hands movement in Budaxi and history of Budaxo in Taiwan.
